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Endpoints API


The Endpoints API consists of the following endpoints, accessible from the Endpoint class:

Initialize an Endpoint object with:

from pymetrix.endpoints import Endpoint
a = Endpoint(hits=0, endpoint=None, id=None, **kwargs)


  • id is the function/object you want to monitor
  • endpoint is the designated endpoint
  • hits is the number of hits received by that endpoint

pymetrix.endpoints.Endpoint.hitcount    (Property)

Returns an integer value denoting the number of hits corresponding to the endpoint, including the current hit.

NOTE: Every time you access this property, the hit count for a particular endpoint is increased by one. In case you want to just get the current hits programmatically, use the stats() method instead.


Returns the number of hits corresponding to the endpoint, including the current hit, WITHOUT increasing the hit count of the endpoint.

Response format:

    "id": FUNCTION_OBJECT_REPR (str),
    "hits": HITS (int)


Returns a callable object denoting the endpoint function of the endpoint.

pymetrix.endpoints.Endpoint.set_endpoint(val: callable)

An optional setter method to change the function of the endpoint, should the need arise.


  • val: The callable object containing the function you want to set the endpoint name to.

pymetrix.endpoints.Endpoint.serialize    (Property)

This returns the serialized state of the Endpoint, containing the callable along with the memory segment.

NOTE: The output isn't JSON serializable, although it can be pickled. For JSON serializable output, use the pretty_serialize property.

Response Format:

    "endpoint": str,
    "hits": int,
    "endpoint_function": callable

pymetrix.endpoints.Endpoint.pretty_serialize    (Property)

This gives the JSON serializable state representation of the Endpoint object. You can save it in a JSON file, export it as a JSON object, etc.

Response Format:

    "endpoint": str,
    "hits": int
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